Xcode Tip: How to fix error “Profile doesn’t match the entitlements file’s values for the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements”


Editor’s Note: I had this problem and it drove me nuts until I found the below answer.

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Nothing is more frustrating than working on an app for weeks or even months, and getting the above error when you try and upload it to the App Store.  Thanks to this article, I finally fixed the issue.  Here’s a quick step by step how to.

  1. Close Xcode.
  2. Open Finder.
  3. Press [CMD] + [SHIFT]
  4. At the Finder window, select the “GO” option and select LIBRARYMOBILE DEVICESPROVISIONING PROFILES. (****)
  5. Move everything in that Folder to the Trash.  DO NOT Empty it!
  6. Go back into Xcode and load the project in question.
  7. Rebuild the project.
  8. Try uploading it to the App Store.

If all goes well, go ahead and empty the trash.

(****) If you cannot find the Library folder, you may have to unhide it.  Select the [Option] key to show the Library Folder. 

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