Wired: Should Google be running scared from Apple?



(CNN) — Apple sue us next? Not a chance.

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That’s the gist of Google’s message following Apple’s $1 billion victory over Samsung in a California patent suit. The search giant is doing its best to quell fears that its Android operating system could be the next target for Apple’s lawyers. And you can’t blame them.

Google has to do something to keep its partners in the smartphone and tablet world from panicking, to say nothing of investors. But experts say that while the Apple v. Samsung suit didn’t describe a legal route that leads directly to Mountain View, Google had better watch its back.

Apple v. Samsung ripped apart both the hardware and software used in Samsung’s very popular smartphones and tablets. Arguments hinged on whether certain hardware features — like a bezeled display and a lozenge-shaped earpiece — had been ripped off from Apple by Samsung’s designers. A jury decided that in multiple instances they had.

To read the rest of the CNN/Wired article, click here.

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