

If you read 98% of the articles abut getting rid of cable and going all streaming to save money, they make it seem that it is the thing to do, and that cable systems should be worried about their business, or are even predicting their demise in a few years.

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Well, I don’t mean to be the caller of bad news, but don’t call your cable company just yet.  Here’s why:

While it is true that cable companies are hiking their prices and are giving you less offerings, you’re still getting a deal with the number of channels and offerings that a cable company is giving you.

For example, lets say that you’re paying an average of $300.00 per month for cable TV and Internet.  Now lets compare that to an Internet TV service like DirecTVNow.  The maximum channel package is around $70.00 a month. You get all of the channels that they offer, except the local CBS affiliate and some other ones such as the Pop TV Network.

Now if you want CBS, you’ll have to pay for the All Access feature for $5.99 a month.  That takes you to around $76.00/Month, plus what ever you’re paying to have speedy access to the Internet, let’s say $40.00/month for the cheapest (and most of the time slowest) Internet access.  You’re already at around $115.99 / Month.

You’ll then find that when you’re watching streaming TV, other members of the family are also on the Internet either downloading music, watching videos, etc. That will cut into the WiFi access and it starts to affect YOUR  TV viewing – unless you have the highest Internet access available – which could be around $70.00/Month.

So, lets really break it down:

Streaming Only:

  • DirectTVNow – $70.00 / Month (May or may not include all local channels or net affiliates).
  • CBS Access – $5.99 / Month.
  • Internet Access (highest speed) – $70.00 / Month.
  • Add HBO and/or Showtime / $5.99 /Month.
  • Grand Total: $150.00 / Month.
  • Grand Total: $1,800.00 / Year.

Cable TV Only:

  • 284 + Cable Channels (includes local channels in most areas). 
  • 155 MBPs Internet Access.
  • Grand Total: $80.00 / Month.
  • Grand Total: $92.00 / Year.

Now, of course, I’m not adding the additional fees that your cable company may charge you to rent equipment and for any FCC payments and such – that varies from company to company.  But in my option, it would still be cheaper for you to stay with cable – at least for now.

What do you think?  Am I wrong? Comment below!


  • Charges are based on basic cable service before additional fees.
  • Charges taken from RCN.COM (Washington, DC area) basic cable pricing chart.

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