Last week, Microsoft announced a new version of its flagship Windows operation system named Windows 10 S.  What the heck is it, where can you get it, and how is it different then the current Windows 10?  Read on for that information.

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What is Windows 10 S:
Windows 10 S is a full copy of Windows 10 designed for low-cost computers including educated-oriented computer systems, as well as some high-end computers such as the new Microsoft Surface Laptop.  It is also streamlined for simplicity, security, and speed.   Windows 10 S will boot 15 seconds faster then Windows 10 using the same configuration of that of a standard Windows 10 box.

What does the “S” stand for?
According to Microsoft, the “S” doesn’t really stand for anything.

How is it different then Windows 10?
The huge difference between the S and other versions is that it comes with Microsoft’s BitLocker encryption system, but it will only run apps that are available from the Microsoft Windows App Store.  An end user cannot install 3rd party apps such as those from Adobe and others.  Users will be able to run Office programs coming in the next couple days or weeks.

Can I play games on S?
Yes and no.  Again, if it is on the Microsoft Windows App Store, then yes.

Where can I get it?
Unfortunately, it is only available for new computers, such as the new Window Surface Laptop which is scheduled to begin shipping around June 15th.  Machines running Windows 10 S will be available from a variety of Microsoft’s PC-making partners, with Acer, Asus, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Samsung and Toshiba all producing machines, starting at $189 in the United States.

So, what do YOU think?  Comment below!

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