The story of the dumb-ass thief and a Galaxy Note 7

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GalaxyNote7“Despite initiating a worldwide recall of the Galaxy Note 7, some users continue to carry the ticking time bomb with them,” Omar Sohail reports for wccftech. “However, in extremely rare cases, carrying a volatile smartphone is a blessing in disguise, and a thief had the misfortune of stealing that particular handset, which will probably force him to pursue a new hobby down the line.”

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“One thief saw a golden opportunity in a Café located in Hefei, which happens to be the provincial capital, where the owner of the Galaxy Note 7 was dozing off, prompting the thief to make his move,” Sohail reports. “It appears that the thief might not have been dexterous when it comes to telling which smartphone he might have slipped into his pocket, because according to The China Times, the Galaxy Note 7 exploded shortly after he made his getaway.”

Read more in the full article here.

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