Siri integrates with iOS phonetic name records to speak contacts correctly

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If the new Siri voice assistant feature in iOS 5 isn’t recognizing or pronouncing the names of contacts correctly, entering a phonetic name field in the contact may solve the problem.

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Previous versions of iOS have supported entering optional Phonetic First and Last Name fields, but for the iPhone 4S user, phonetic names are also a useful feature to optimize Siri’s accuracy in name recognition and pronunciation.

For example, Siri initially failed to recognize a contact named Elias, instead recognizing the name as “Alliance.” After entering “Eli Us” as a Phonetic First Name field however, Siri was able to recognize commands referencing the contact.

To set a phonetic name, simply edit the contact, select “add field,” and then pick either a “Phonetic First Name” or “Phonetic Last Name.” It makes sense to use voice dictation when entering in this field to let the iPhone invent the phonetic transcription.

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