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Fans of “Silo” can expect a brighter tone in the upcoming third season. Unlike the dark atmosphere of season two, it will be more light, both literally and figuratively. Viewers who found season two too dark can adjust their TVs, but season three will expand beyond the silo, showcasing diverse locations and even scenes with sunshine.

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Showrunner Graham Yost confirmed that season three will be easier on the eyes, or at least parts of it. As teased in season two’s finale, large chunks will be set 300 years prior in a near-future, pre-dystopian Washington, D.C., and other cities with actual daylight and weather.

“We’ll be outdoors and in the world, with sunshine,” Yost said. “But we’ll also return to Silo 17, which has a big power issue and limited light.”

“I can’t defend it, but it’s how the story plays. Sometimes, dark editing rooms make things look different on bright screens,” Yost said. “So, please crank up the brightness at home and see the difference.”

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