OOPS! 9-Year Old finds Porn on new Android Tablet



XRatedIcon“A 9-year-old was nice but ended up with something naughty after receiving a porn-filled tablet for Christmas,” CBS-13 Sacramento reports. “‘She’s seen two videos, pornographic videos. What am I going to tell my 9-year-old?’ said Kanisha Morning.”

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Morning’s family Christmas was ruined. What she showed CBS13 on her 9-year-old daughter’s brand new [Zeki] Android tablet was disturbing. We witnessed extremely graphic sex videos, the same videos possibly seen by her daughter Christmas morning,” CBS-13 reports. “Morning noticed an unusual expression on her daughter’s face. ‘An awkward look on her face and at the same time I’m asking her ‘what’s wrong;’ and she’s handing me the tablet saying ‘mommy what’s this?” she said.”

CBS-13 reports, “Who knows how many times this has happened and no one said anything about it,” she said. “Another one could be on its way to another kid.”

Read more in the full article here.

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1 thought on “OOPS! 9-Year Old finds Porn on new Android Tablet

  1. Parents must always pay attention on what their children is up to. To avoid same case like what is featured in the article, parents or guardians must always check their children about what they are doing. A child that is expose to explicit acts will greatly affect the child’s behavior and mind. Moreover, to avoid this case, you must first check your purchased android tablet or any gadget, to insure security and quality, make sure you will buy the best android tablet .

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