Not every Apple Fan is happy with Friday's Verdict



By: Dan Uff

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For anyone that knows me, they know that I am a 100% fan of Apple.  I’ll go up against any PC/Windows lover anytime and dispel any myth about Macs or iOS devices.  I am even a registered iOS and Mac developer, and have several apps in the iOS app store.

That’s why I’m going to shock a lot of people when I say, that I am not happy with last Friday’s verdict with Apple v. Samsung.  While others see it as a win for consumers, I see it as a loss.  A loss, because, I feel that the verdict will send sock waves throughout Silicon Valley and even the world.

Because of the verdict, companies will now be afraid to innovate and come up with new and exciting ideas for fear that they may (or will) get sued by big bad Apple.  I feel that the jury has set the will of innovation (which built the good old U.S. in the first place) back 10 – 20 years because the verdict.

The consumer will be hurt by this, because it may stifle the choices that we could have gotten if Apple has lost on Friday.  This may also cause Samsung to become shell shocked and scrap many innovative ideas that are in their ‘pipeline’ for fear that they will once again be stepped on by Apple and the justice system.

Sure, one can argue that Samsung did copy Apple.  In which case, they probably did to some extent.  But then Apple is not giving the consumer (its customers, who brought it back from the dead more then once) enough credit for knowing the difference between an Apple iPhone and a Samsung phone.  It’s also up to a salesman to steer any current or future consumer to the product that he or she is seeking.

Now that Apple may be going into the TV business (which Samsung has been in for years) will Samsung have to be in fear of getting sued with that as well?

In closing, the customer may not feel the impact of this verdict for a few years.  But when they do, they will begin to wonder why we are getting father behind in innovation then we are now.

What do you think?  Please sound off below.

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