
Safari-IconAs with most Mac users, I tend to use Safari as my main web browser.  Not only because it came with the Mac, but I also like the convenience and speed of it as well.

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The other day, I had more than one tab open.  By mistake, I grabbed a tab and accidentally dragged it from the top of the browser to just above the main view window and left the Mouse go.  To my surprise, I noticed that the tab will then open a new browser window and ask you for another URL.  Here’s how to do it step by step.

1.  Open Safari and go to any web site you like.
2.  Press [COMMAND][T].  That will open a new tab.
3.  Go to another web site of choice.
4.  Take the Mouse and place it over the 2nd tab.
5.  Now drag and drop it on to the view part of Safari.
6.  It should open another window with displaying a web site,

That’s it.

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