Mountain Lion LogoNow that Mountain Lion is out, you’re probably wondering if you can make a boot disk for emergency purposes.  You can, but it’ll have to be on an USB Stick.  But making one is easy, and only takes a few minutes.  Before doing the below, you’ll need an application called “Lion Diskmaker” available in the Mac App Store.  It will assist you with the below.

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1.  Download (or re-download) Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store.
2.  Download Lion Diskmaker here.
3.  When Mountain Lion fully downloads, execute Diskmaker.
4.  Diskmaker should find the ML Image.  If not, tell the app where to find it.
5.  From here, you can create a boot disk or make a bootable DVD.
6.  Make sure the disk is ready to go, and then follow the screens.
7.  That’s it.

As far as we know, you can make as many copies as you wish.

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