Download and Install MacOS 10.12.2 for Enhanced Security – NOW.


“While some MacBook Pro owners claim macOS 10.12.2 improves battery life, there’s a more important reason to update to the latest version of Apple’s computer operating system: protecting your passwords,” Henry T. Casey reports for Laptop Magazine. “That’s because a Swedish hacker made a device that steals passwords off a Mac just by connecting a cable — unless the latest update is installed.”

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“Swedish hacker Ulf Frisk demonstrated his trick in a blog post yesterday (Dec. 15). By simply connecting a device running his PCILeech software to a MacBook Air’s Thunderbolt port, then forcing a reboot, you can gain the system’s password in less than 30 seconds,” Casey writes. “With that password comes access to FileVault, the encryption software that protects the hard drive, so you’re essentially handing over even a well-protected Mac.”

Casey writes, “Frisk says Apple’s latest patches, released Wednesday (Dec. 14) will secure your Mac from this attack.”

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