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Much like every Star Wars film before it, The Rise of Skywalker has divided both fans and critics and it would seem that now Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger has stepped in with his thoughts on fans disliking the movie.

Here’s what he said when speaking to Variety:

We don’t overreact, we respect fans of Star Wars, that’s really important to us, to Lucasfilm, to the franchise. We do the best job we can, we think we had a very hard job in bringing this forward… satisfying the traditional fans and touching on themes and characters and places they were familiar with, but introducing the new places, new stories, new characters.

He went on to state that Star Wars isn’t the only franchise Disney owns where fan backlash is something to deal with, comparing it to both Marvel and Disney releases:

We know we’re never going to please everybody all the time, and we see that with Disney films, with Marvel films. So I don’t mean to suggest that I’m dismissive of it because we respect our fans, but we don’t overreact either.

To be fair, these comments are totally fair. It does seem that there are some Star Wars fans that are never happy and there’s always something wrong with the franchise.

Personally, I thought that The Rise of Skywalker was one of the best Star Wars movies made to date and JJ Abrams did a fantastic job at answering all of the questions left by the previous two movies.

Given that The Rise of Skywalker is the last time we are going to see these beloved characters on screen, hopefully, the next Star Wars movies won’t divide the fans and the team at Lucasfilm take the franchise into an even more exciting direction.

Via: InsideTheMagic.com

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