web site has Petition to remove Tim Cook as Apple CEO


Just saw this and thought it would relate to the previous article.

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A guy by the name of Richard Hofherr has set up a Petition on to Apple’s Board of Directors about removing its current CEO, Tim Cook.

The petition reads as follows:

Tim Cook, the C.E.O. of Apple Inc., needs to be replaced as Chief Executive Officer by someone with vision, judgment, and execution that would much more aptly suit a company of this caliber.  As a shareholder, I have watched my investment drop and stay down, almost solely due to Mr. Cook’s lack of the qualities necessary to facilitate growth of the company, vision for new products, and for execution of bringing those product cycles to life.  As shareholders and consumers, this is harming all of us.    

Many products are announced in one quarter and released in another quarter.  On too many occasions, shipping time for new products falls into several weeks and even months.  During the last three to four holiday seasons, Mac products have had a two to four week lead time on them… WHY???  Wouldn’t year one in charge give you a clue as to how many to manufacture?  Wouldn’t two to three years of running the ship then give you a median average?  

Isn’t 200 billion dollars in the bank enough to give you the means to create more jobs for exemplary workers which would afford you the opportunity to meet the demands of your current products rather than, instead, putting time, effort, and money into acquiring the products or companies created by others?  Doesn’t it make more sense to look at the talent within Apple Inc. for ideas, rather than looking outside an already rich playing field?  Paying Dr. Dre three billion dollars for a headphone company is never what Apple’s been about.  No one at Apple has the talent and desire to create a headphone superior to Beats?  Please.  

As a billion dollar company with more cash on hand than the majority of other, similar big players out there, it is unacceptable to me to have three to four year product cycles with no substantial updates – this goes for the Mac Pro, iMac, Mac mini, MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, etc. 

When reports for hardware show a decline in desktops the numbers are not at a true data point, as most loyal Mac users buy in cycles – and when Apple doesn’t release on an estimated cycle basis, buyers wait.  And wait.  Patiently.  And then wait some more, not so patiently anymore, Mr. Cook.  The current C.E.O., the guy who’s supposed to know, thinks there’s no need for desktops and pro machines when, in fact, there is a huge need.  It is also my position that Mr. Cook has wholly neglected that the reality that majority of the music studio and video editors, graphic designers, and artists – all of whom create the content for the Apple eco-system – are made on a Mac!  Neglecting that area actually hurts Apple, Inc. full circle.  Again, a fail.

It is a leader’s role to LEAD his or her company to envision and accomplish the goals and needs of its market, its customers.  Mr. Cook just doesn’t seem to get this.  To be truly successful, the company, the employees, and the customers must ALL win.  The instability of stock has reflected the gaping hole that’s grown here, not to mention how it can plainly be seen in the vague lack of enthusiasm you’ll gauge in talking with almost any long-time Mac user today.  Those of us who have been around for years, supporting and sustaining Apple from its core out, we all know this.

My friends, it is time for a new leader for Apple Inc.  Please support me in my quest to make this beloved company great again by signing and sharing this petition!

This petition will be delivered to:

  • Apple Board of Directors

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