Be warned: There’s actually no way to delete subscribed magazines from Apple News on your iPhone



According to several sources, Apple’s new Apple News Magazine Subscription is off to a great start. While no actual stats have been made public, our sources say that the company is extremely happy with the initial results.

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But launching a new service does come with bugs. Only hours after the service debuted, developers found some pretty big security holes in terms of content protection, and now users have raised concerns about a lack of storage management in the updated iOS 12.2 News app, resulting in fears that the feature could end up overwhelming users’ storage, particularly on lower-capacity devices.

One source has reached out to CompuScoop pointing out that Apple has not provided a way to delete any downloaded magazine once a user has finished with it.  Further, any new subscribed magazines are automatically downloaded to a device for offline reading. This is leaving some end users concerned especially with those devices that have limited storage.

Some users have also noted that those magazines remained on the device even when someone cancelled their free trial period.  Yet another source told us that when they called Apple Support about this very problem, the support professional advised the user that iOS 12 will not only manage the space, but also delete any old content after 30 days.

So, in closing, a good idea from Apple has a lot of bugs AND was not ready for prime time.

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