By: Dan Uff, Senior Editor

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As an iOS developer, I know how critical it is to get the word out about your iOS app.

Sure, you can depend on the iOS App store to spread the word, but with over 15,000 apps, it’s hard to get the word out about a new app.

That’s why I am seeking apps that should be known to users, but are not.  AppleScoop gets anywhere from 1,000 to 18,000 hits per day.  Wouldn’t it be nice to have a honest and fair review for the work you put in to an app.?  I will even provide a direct link to the app as well.

As a developer and an end user, I know how an app should work.  I will give the app a fair and balanced review.  If the app is okay, you will know.  If an app sucks, you will know.

For more information, use the contact form below.

Thanks and I’ll be waiting to review your iOS App!

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