Gone are the days when low storage space on smartphones was a major issue faced by every user. Today, smartphones are shipped with more and more onboard storage. Regardless of it, if you often find yourself struggling with low storage space issue on your iPhone, here’s some good news.

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An update to the upcoming Swift 5 programming language might help in the reduction of the size of the iOS apps, according to 9to5Mac.

With Swift 5 update, the programming language will become binary compatible. It means that developers won’t have to bundle Swift language libraries while packaging the app.

While there isn’t any confirmed estimation regarding how much size reduction one should expect, a 10%-30% benefit might be possible.

Apart from the reduction in size, the users will also benefit from the faster launch times which will surely make the overall experience smoother for those who are using older iPhones. This will be possible because the libraries needed for running the app will be cached in system memory.

The new Swift 5 version is included in the latest betas of iOS 12.2, tvOS 12.2, macOS 10.14.4, and watchOS 5.2. After these operating systems become generally available to all Apple users, the updated/new apps will be smaller in size.

Via: FossBytes.com

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