Apple updates MacBook Pro with faster processor and a price drop


17 Inch MacBook ProAccording to, Apple said Wednesday that it’s making the MacBook Pro with Retina display faster and more affordable with updated processors and lower starting prices, starting at $1,499 rather than $1,699.

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1 thought on “Apple updates MacBook Pro with faster processor and a price drop

  1. Also where the product is from the official apple store. Not a cheap knockoff. Thank you!!!|macbook vs macbook pro?|I will be purchasing a macbook for college in a few months. Do you suggest a macbook, or a macbook pro? What about the amount of memory I need? Extra programs? Basically, if you were to buy a new macbook, and could customize it to be the perfect college tool, what would you suggest getting? Thanks for your help in advance!|Wanted to get information on whats the difference between the macbook pro and macbook in 2009. I am looking for information on my decision to purchase one and was wondering the difference is because some list macbook pro and some macbook.|I need to fully restore my MacBook to its original settings – completely blank. I accidentally deleted all the application on there so at the moment it is pretty much useless. The disk drive is broken so I can’t really use that? It was originally Tiger, I have the Tiger disk, but I upgraded to Leopard, which I also still have to hand. macbook

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