Apple Spots an “iPhone” in old painting


OldPaintingiPhoneDuring a tech conference in Amsterdam, Apple CEO Tim Cook revealed that he is not immune to the odd phenomenon of ‘finding’ iPhones in places that seem out of time.

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After being asked when and where the iconic device was invented, Cook shared the amusing story of being dumbfounded the night before when visiting the city’s famed Rijksmuseum.

During his visit, the executive happened to look upon a 1670 painting imaginatively titled “Man Hands a Letter to a Woman in a Hall.”

Cook was stunned to notice that the ‘letter’ appeared eerily similar to an iPhone!

“It’s tough to see, but I swear it’s there,” Cook said to the audience’s amusement.

Of course, Cook was joking about the possibility that the smartphone had appeared in the nearly 350-year-old painting, since the device was not invented until 2007.

So folks who were flummoxed by the Mike Tyson time traveler can feel better knowing that even the CEO of Apple apparently sees iPhones were they should not have been.

And while we can’t fault Cook for thinking that there’s an iPhone in the painting, we do wonder how he even noticed it, since we couldn’t get past the creepy child in the doorway holding a fishing rod.

Thanks for the nightmare fuel, Tim Cook.

Source: CNBC

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