Year: 2024

The Hollywood Reporter reviews ‘Apples Never Fall’

Peacock’s Apples Never Fall is practically brimming over with secrets. The biggest one, sitting right in the center, is the question of what really happened to Joy Delaney (Annette Bening), a recently retired tennis coach whose disappearance sends her family into a tailspin. The search for that truth uncovers deeper ones still, in the process unearthing hatchets that had seemed buried and reopening wounds that had appeared healed. In time, we’ll examine every crack laying just beneath the Delaneys’ picture-perfect façade, from seemingly every angle.

To read the rest of the review, click here.

How to (quickly) open a URL from the command line on Mac

I just found this out and wanted to share it with all of you.

Suppose you're in the Terminal (Command Line) and need to quickly go to a web site.  Yes, you can:

  1. Make the Terminal in to a window.
  2. Open the web browser.
  3. Type in the URL.

But what if there was a way to do it from the Terminal?

There is:


That's it!  It'll work with any website.

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