Month: May 2019

How to use the new isEmpty command in Swift

As developers, we sometimes have to check and see if an array, set, string, or other collection types are nil.

In the past, you might write code like this:

let name = “”
if name.count = 0
print(“You did not give a name”)

But, with the new isEmpty statement, one can write the above like this:

let name = “”
if name.isEmpty
print(“You did not give a name)

Using the above statement makes development faster and easier to read and understand.

How to find if an establishment offers Apple Pay via Apple Maps

Apple Pay is a great and convenient feature for those who use it often. Unfortunately, not all shopping or food establishments take Apple Pay.  So how do you know if a restaurant or grocery store takes it before you get there?

Fortunately, Apple Maps can answer that question for you.

Here's how:

* Open Apple Maps on Mac or iOS.
Find the establishment that you're going to on the map.
Double click on the name of the establishment.
A window will come up.
* Scroll down until you see the "
Useful to Know" section.
* If the establishment takes Apple Pay, the Apple Pay icon will be shown.
* That's it.


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