Month: October 2017

Possible interruption in service due to Hurricane Nate

As most people in the South of the U.S. know, they have been dealing with a topical storm named Nate.  While not a major Hurricane, it is still causing havoc where ever it goes.

The latest track takes the tropical depression takes Nate right over our main operation. Because of this, their maybe times when we may loose our Internet connection to this site. We will resume normal operations as soon as the storm passes.

Thanks for your understanding during this time.

iOS 11: What ever you do, don’t trust turning off WiFi and Bluetooth via Command Center

Last week it was discovered that using the new Command Center in iOS 11 to turn off Bluetooth and WiFi doesn't really give the desired result.  While it does disconnect from these services, it does not actually turn the features off, and could cause problems along the way.

Here's how to really shut them off:


  1. Select Settings.
  2. Select the Bluetooth option.
  3. On the right side, slide the button (where it says Bluetooth) to OFF.
  4. That's it.


  1. Go into Settings.
  2. Select the WiFi option.
  3. On the right side, slide the button (where it says WiFi) to OFF.
  4. That's it.

After doing the above, both options should now be fully off.


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