Month: May 2013

NY Times Columnist Joe Nocera Calls Tim Cook "A LIER"

CEO_TimCook“What will be remembered about Nocera’s latest Apple column is that he called Tim Cook a liar — accusing him of telling, under oath, a ‘whopper’ and a ‘flat-out lie,’ Philip Elmer-DeWitt reports for Fortune.

“Nocera implies, but doesn’t actually say, that he makes those charges after watching Cook’s testimony,” P.E.D. reports. “I watched Cook’s testimony — twice. I find it hard to believe that Nocera saw any of it. And having read the documents and news articles he cites, I believe that on the points with which he has factual disagreements with Cook, he’s provably wrong.”

Read more in the full article here.

After 8 Years…XBox One

XBoxOneBannerMid Tuesday Eastern, Microsoft announced a new addition to its XBox game platform lineup - The XBox One.

The third generation of XBox includes an all new architecture, a way to utilize a Windows computer in combination with the console, and ways to respond to the user's voice and gesture commands by introducing a built-in Kinect feature.

The new console includes a updated XBox logo, 8GB RAM, USB 3.0, WiFi Direct, Blu-Ray Player, and a native 64-bit architecture.

Unfortunately, old XBox games will not work with the new machine.  But Microsoft did say it will continue to support the XBox 360 after the new one hits the streets.  No word on price or availability.

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