Meryl Streep joins Apple to celebrate Earth Day
In celebration of Earth Day, this captivating animated film follows a precocious seven-year-old (voiced by Tremblay) who, over the course of Earth Day, learns about the wonders of the planet from his parents (voiced by O’Dowd and Negga) — and from a mysterious exhibit at the aptly titled Museum of Everything. The insightful and poignant short film is narrated by Streep.
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From the multi-BAFTA and Emmy Award-winning, Oscar-nominated independent animation studio, Studio AKA, the 36-minute film is written by BAFTA Award-winning Philip Hunt (“Ah Pook is Here,” “Lost and Found”) and Academy Award-winning Luke Matheny (“God of Love,” “Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street,” “Ghostwriter”); directed by Hunt, and executive produced by Academy Award-nominated and BAFTA Award-winning Sue Goffe (“A Morning Stroll,” “Varmints,” “Lost and Found,” “Hey Duggee”), Hunt and renowned author Oliver Jeffers (“Here We Are,” “Lost and Found,” “The Day the Crayons Quit”). Alex Somers (“How to Train Your Dragon,” “Captain Fantastic”) is the music composer.
“Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth” is based on the No. 1 New York Times Best Seller and 2017’s No. 1 TIME Best Book of the Year from beloved artist, illustrator and writer Jeffers.
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